Sunday, October 21, 2007

Waco Old Coots Reunion

We returned on Friday from beautiful downtown Waco where we attended a reunion of Air Force guys and spouses - about 40 attendees in all. We were all stationed at James Connelly Air Force Base in Waco back in the early 50's. We had a great time swapping stories, pictures and visiting. One of the highlights was dinner at Buzzard Billy's - the catfish was delicious!

We also had a wonderful outdoor dinner at Linda & Maynard Miller's home. Our last evening was a banquet at the hotel with group pictures. Talk about "Old Coots!!"

We are still here in Graham, WA and Logan is home and doing well with his chemo treatments. He will start his 5th round on the 1st of November and this is one of the really tough ones. Thanks to everyone for your prayers.
We hope to leave here after the 1st of the year and continue our travels. We will head South where it is warmer. Washington in the winter is pretty cold and wet for us!

Monday, October 1, 2007

4 months on the road - so to speak

Today marks the beginning of the 5th month we have been on the road and we've only made it to the Pacific Nortwest. We're still here in Graham helping out Jason & Kelly's family. Logan's treatment for cancer is going well. His tumor has shrunk by at least 50% and the cancer in his bone marrow has gone from 85% to 5%. He is a real trooper and this week he is going to school which will be a big treat for him. I have attached a picture of him with the cowboy hat that Linda & Maynard Miller, OLD Air Force friends, sent him. He really looks good in it. The weather here has turned to rainy and cold which I understand is normal. We hope to head South at the beginning of the new year for warmer climes and in the Spring we'll renew our adventures in traveling across the US. We're going to take a day trip to Portland, OR this Saturday as Kathy's good friend from grammar school days has invited her to see the show Oklahoma and I will get a chance to see my son's Larry and Chris and families. So far we are enjoying living in the motor home and we're still talking to each other, although sometimes in muffled tones. Hope to see all of our good friends in the coming year. Thanks for your support and prayers for Logan and his family. Love, the Crazy Coots!